Q36. What is LMIA in Canada?


LMIA stands for “Labour Market Impact Assessment” in Canada. This document is issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).

The LMIA is a document that an employer in Canada must obtain before hiring a foreign worker to fill a job. The purpose of the LMIA is to ensure that hiring a foreign worker will have a positive or neutral impact on the Canadian labour market.

Key points about LMIA are:

  • It is required for most temporary foreign worker programs in Canada, such as the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and the International Mobility Program.
  • The employer must demonstrate that they were unable to find a qualified Canadian or permanent resident to fill the job.
  • The employer must show that the hiring of the foreign worker will not have a negative impact on the Canadian labour market.
  • The LMIA application process involves advertising the job, conducting recruitment efforts, and providing information about the job, the employer, and the proposed foreign worker.
  • If the LMIA is approved, the foreign worker can then apply for a work permit to come to Canada and work for the employer.
  • The LMIA is specific to the job, employer, and location. It cannot be transferred to another employer or job.
  • So in summary, the LMIA is a key requirement for employers in Canada who want to hire temporary foreign workers, to ensure the hiring has a positive impact on the Canadian labour market.