Q17. Questions to ask your migration agent

Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are you not a Canadian or Australian?

Provide a response explaining your credentials and how your background supports your ability to assist with migration to Canada or Australia.

2. Who is going to represent my case?

Explain who will be responsible for handling the case, including their qualifications and role.

3. Can I speak with the migration agent?

Clarify the communication process and whether clients can speak directly with the migration agent.

4. Will my case be represented under your name or my name alone?

Detail how the representation will be handled and who will be listed as the point of contact for the case.

5. Can I see your government login (user ID and password for Visa applications)?

Explain why sharing government login credentials is not possible and how security and confidentiality are maintained.

6. What is your success rate? (I want to see the number of applications filled in your government login and visa grants)

Discuss the success rate of your services and any available statistics or testimonials that demonstrate your track record.

7. What will happen if the Case officer asks for clarification? Who will talk to them? You, your agent, or I must do that myself?

Describe the process for handling requests for clarification from case officers and who will be responsible for communication.

8. Show a previous case where you represented a case and spoke or represented someone’s case and won the argument.

Provide an example or case study where you successfully represented a client and the outcome of that case.

9. Are you capable of providing post-landing services? If yes, how? I want to talk to your local office in Australia or Canada.

Explain the post-landing services offered and provide details on how clients can access local offices or support in Australia or Canada.

10. Where do you get the information on the latest laws in immigration?

Detail the sources and methods used to stay updated on the latest immigration laws and policies.

11. What is the latest Invitation score in my profession and what am I scoring? (How will you help me score more?)

Provide information on how invitation scores are determined and how you can help improve the client’s score.

12. Is your company registered in Australia or Canada?

State whether your company is registered in Australia or Canada and provide details if applicable.

13. Have you ever visited Australia or Canada? (Show proof) Visa or photos? (And if it is a visit visa - laugh and leave).

Discuss any visits to Australia or Canada, and provide proof if requested. Handle questions about visit visas appropriately.

14. How will you help me get a job, or a house in my destination country?

Explain any services or resources available for assisting with job searches or finding housing in the destination country.

15. What do you know about the Australian or Canadian school system for my kids?

Provide information about the education systems in Australia or Canada and how you can assist with finding suitable schools.

16. Help me understand the banking system, tax system, free medical, grants I will get as a new migrant, where to ask for help?

Offer insights into the banking and tax systems, available medical services, and grants for new migrants, along with resources for additional assistance.