Q13. Which Country is better to Migrate Australia or Canada?

Both countries are ranked as best to live in. Cities like Toronto , Sydney , Melbourne, Vancouver every year get listed as top 10 countries to live.

Which country to choose actually depends on you. I can help you with factors for you to decide on.

Where are your relatives and friends located?

Consider where your relatives and friends are located before deciding on migration.

Which part of the world do you live in? Is Australia closer to you or Canada?

Is Australia or Canada closer to your current location?

What is your profession, not every profession is in demand in Australia or Canada.

Not every profession is equally in demand in both Australia and Canada.

If you intend to live in the USA in later years, Canada is the obvious choice.

If you intend to live in the USA later, Canada is the better option due to proximity.

If weather is your deciding factor, then Australia may win this point.

Australia's climate might be more appealing if weather is a key factor in your decision.

Minimum wage

Australia offers $24/hour minimum wage, while Canada’s ranges between $17 to $19/hour.

Visa fee comparison

Canada's visa fees are generally cheaper compared to Australia's, making it more affordable for principal applicants.

Bank interest rates are lower in Canada

The Bank of Canada's key interest rate is 4.75%, compared to the Reserve Bank of Australia's 4.10%.

Unemployment rate

It may be easier to find a job in Australia, with an unemployment rate of 4.9%, compared to Canada’s 5.2% as of June 2023.

Passport Index: (visa-free travel)

Canadian passport holders can travel to 185 countries visa-free, while Australians can access 184.

GDP Comparison

Canada's GDP is $2.11 trillion, whereas Australia's GDP stands at $1.74 trillion.

Population size

Canada has a population of 40 million, while Australia’s population is 26.6 million.

Number of universities

Canada has around 100 universities, compared to Australia’s 42.

Universities in Top 50

Australia has 8 universities in the global top 100, while Canada has 5, but both countries have highly educated populations.

Average annual salary

Average salaries differ: $55,806 CAD in Canada, and $90,329 AUD in Australia, with living costs reflecting these figures.

Key economic industries

Canada excels in technology, finance, and industry, while Australia focuses on mining, agriculture, and tourism.

Years to citizenship

Canada provides a pathway to citizenship after 3 years, while Australia requires 4 years.


Canada has two official languages, English and French, while Australia predominantly uses English.

Healthcare systems

Both countries offer universal healthcare, but Australia has a slightly higher patient satisfaction rate (80.1%) compared to Canada (73.3%).

Access to healthcare facilities

80% of Canadians live within 30 minutes of a hospital, while 75% of Australians enjoy the same proximity to healthcare.

Immigration policies

Canada admitted 405,000 permanent residents through its Express Entry system in 2022, compared to Australia's 160,000 via the points-based skilled migration program.

Safety and stability

Canada ranks 6th in global safety, whereas Australia is ranked 13th, making both countries relatively safe.

Diversity and multiculturalism

Canada’s immigrant population is 21.9%, while Australia’s is significantly higher at 30.1%.

Career advancement opportunities

In Canada, 45% of employees received a promotion in the past year, slightly higher than Australia's 41%.

Availability of skilled jobs

With a higher percentage of skilled labor, Australia’s job market might have more opportunities compared to Canada.

Cost of living

Generally, the cost of living in Australia is higher than in Canada, though this varies by city.

Housing affordability

Australia's housing market can be more expensive, especially in cities like Sydney and Melbourne, compared to Canadian cities.

Education system

Both countries offer high-quality education, but Canada’s public education system is often considered more diverse.

Quality of life

Canada often ranks higher in quality of life indexes, though Australia also scores well in various surveys.

Internet and connectivity

Australia has faster internet speeds on average compared to Canada, though both countries have strong digital infrastructure.

Public transportation

Public transportation in major Canadian cities like Toronto and Vancouver is extensive, while Australian cities also have efficient transit systems.

Cultural attractions

Both countries boast rich cultural attractions, with Australia known for its natural wonders and Canada for its diverse cultural festivals.

Outdoor activities

Australia's climate supports year-round outdoor activities, while Canada offers diverse outdoor experiences, especially in winter.

Public safety

Both countries are considered safe, but crime rates are generally lower in Canada compared to Australia.

Cost of utilities

Utilities can be more expensive in Australia, particularly electricity, compared to Canada.

Local cuisine

Both countries offer unique local cuisines, with Australia known for its multicultural food scene and Canada for its diverse regional dishes.

Sports culture

Australia is known for its passion for sports like cricket and rugby, while Canada excels in hockey and lacrosse.

Retirement benefits

Canada’s pension system is generally more comprehensive, while Australia’s superannuation system also offers robust retirement savings options.

Natural disasters

Australia faces more frequent natural disasters like bushfires and cyclones, while Canada experiences snowstorms and floods.

Job security

Job security can vary, but both countries have strong labor laws that provide protection for employees.

Business opportunities

Canada offers a stable business environment with strong support for startups, while Australia’s business sector is also dynamic and growing.

Environmental policies

Both countries are committed to environmental sustainability, with Canada focusing on climate change and Australia on conservation efforts.

Quality of housing

Both countries offer a range of housing options, with Canada generally having larger homes compared to Australia's housing market.

Family-friendly policies

Both Canada and Australia offer family-friendly policies, including parental leave and child benefits.

Technology adoption

Australia generally has higher technology adoption rates, while Canada also maintains a strong tech sector.

Startup ecosystem

Canada has a thriving startup ecosystem with various support programs, while Australia's startup scene is also vibrant and growing.

Public amenities

Both countries offer well-maintained public amenities, though Australia’s public spaces can be more diverse due to its climate.

Work-life balance

Both countries generally offer good work-life balance, but Australia’s relaxed culture might offer more flexibility.

Government services

Canada provides a wide range of government services, including social security and health services, while Australia also offers comprehensive support services.

Innovation and research

Both countries are leaders in innovation and research, with significant investments in technology and development.