Australia Citizenship Visa Program

Becoming an Australian citizen is a significant milestone in your migration journey. It signifies your enduring commitment to Australia and its values, marking the start of your formal inclusion in the Australian community. This step allows you to proudly declare, 'I am Australian.'

The procedure for applying for Australian citizenship varies based on your specific eligibility. There are several application pathways, each with unique requirements.

When applying for Australian citizenship, our services include:

  • Verifying your eligibility
  • Gathering your original documents
  • Making copies and certifying your documents
  • Filling out and submitting your application
  • Offering assistance for exceptional and special circumstances

Your citizenship application will be reviewed once you have submitted a completed form, along with the required documents and fee.

How to Apply for Australian Citizenship

To begin your application for Australian citizenship, you must first check if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Click on the citizenship options below to learn how to apply.

This application pathway is suitable if you are:

Migrant with Permanent Residence
If you have migrated to Australia, hold permanent residency, meet the residency requirements, and possess good character, you might qualify for citizenship. Every applicant, including children under 16 years old, must hold permanent resident status both when submitting their application and when a decision is made.
Spouse or Partner of an Australian Citizen
Spouses and partners of Australian citizens do not automatically receive Australian citizenship. They must apply for citizenship and meet the same eligibility criteria as other adult applicants. However, there may be an allowance for a variation in the residence requirement. This allows time spent overseas while holding permanent residency to be counted as time spent in Australia, provided a strong connection to Australia can be demonstrated. This provision also extends to the surviving spouses or partners of Australian citizens, as well as interdependent partners of Australian citizens.
New Zealand Citizen Living in Australia
Your eligibility for Australian citizenship as a New Zealand citizen depends on your arrival date in Australia, specifically whether it was before or after 26 February 2001. Upon arrival in Australia, most New Zealand citizens are automatically granted a Special Category Visa (SCV). This SCV is a temporary visa that permits the holder to live and work in Australia. If you were in Australia on 26 February 2001 holding an SCV, you may be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship. The Australian Government announced on 26 February 2001 that New Zealand citizens who arrived after this date must apply for and obtain a permanent visa if they wish to access certain social security benefits, gain Australian citizenship, or sponsor family members for permanent residency.
Child of a Former Australian Citizen
If one of your parents relinquished their Australian citizenship upon acquiring citizenship of another country before your birth, you may qualify to apply for Australian citizenship, assuming you have maintained good character.

To be eligible, you must furnish evidence that:

  • One of your parents was an Australian citizen before you were born.
  • This parent renounced their Australian citizenship as an adult by acquiring citizenship of another country prior to 4 April 2002.
Child Aged 16 or 17 Years
To apply for citizenship as a child aged 16 or 17, you must hold permanent residency status both at the time of your application and when a decision is made. Additionally, you must:
  • Meet the residency requirement at the time of applying (or demonstrate significant hardship or disadvantage if unable to meet this requirement).
  • Demonstrate comprehension of the purpose of your application.
  • Have a basic command of the English language.
  • Possess a sufficient understanding of the rights and responsibilities associated with Australian citizenship.
  • Show intent to reside in Australia or maintain a strong and continuous connection with the country.
Child Aged 15 Years or Under or an Unaccompanied Minor
To apply for Australian citizenship as a child aged 15 years or under, or as an unaccompanied minor, you must be a permanent resident both at the time of your application and when a decision is made. Additionally, you must be living with:
  • A responsible parent who is an Australian citizen, or
  • A responsible parent who is not an Australian citizen, and you would otherwise suffer significant hardship or disadvantage.
Your application form must be signed by the responsible parent you live with.
Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme Arrival
During the Commonwealth Child Migration Scheme, many unaccompanied children arrived in Australia, primarily from the United Kingdom and some from Malta, between 22 September 1947 and 31 December 1967.

To apply for Australian citizenship under this scheme:

  • You must provide evidence of your former child migrant status.
  • You can obtain this documentation through the Child Migrants Trust at no cost.
  • As a former child migrant, you are entitled to a fee exemption when applying for Australian citizenship.
Refugee or Humanitarian Entrant
If you arrived in Australia as a refugee or humanitarian entrant, you may be eligible for Australian citizenship under specific conditions:
  • You must be a permanent resident.
  • You must satisfy the residence requirements.
  • You must demonstrate good character.
If you are 18 years or older, you must have lived in Australia on your permanent residency visa for 4 years before applying for citizenship. During this period, you can leave Australia for up to one year in total. In the year immediately before applying, you must have been in Australia for at least 9 months.

When applying for citizenship, you will need to:

  • Complete an application form.
  • Pay a fee.
  • Sit and pass a citizenship test demonstrating basic English proficiency and knowledge of Australia, including responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
  • Provide original documents proving your permanent residency, identity, and good character.
Person Born in Papua before Independence in 1975
If you were born in Papua before independence on 16 September 1975, you may be eligible for Australian citizenship under the following conditions:
  • One of your parents was born in Australia (as it is known today).
  • Your parent was an Australian citizen at the time of your birth.
  • You are of good character.
When applying for citizenship, the following criteria apply:
  • You must be a permanent resident.
  • You must satisfy the residence requirements.
  • If you are 18 years or older, you must have lived in Australia on your permanent residency visa for 4 years before applying for citizenship. During this period, you can leave Australia for up to one year in total. In the year immediately before applying, you must have been in Australia for at least 9 months.
  • You will need to complete an application form, pay a fee, and sit and pass a citizenship test demonstrating basic English proficiency and knowledge of Australia, including responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
  • You must provide original documents proving your permanent residency, identity, and good character.
Cunsultancy Charges Half Hr: USD 100 *