Q20. How can we help you pass English test?

We use AI to teach and prepare you for the English language test for your Skill migration visa.

Our in-house tool can help you prepare for PTE, IELTS, TOEFL or CELPIP.

You do not need a teacher to evaluate your work, we have instruction videos to teach you.

Our impressive platform provides AI-powered instant performance test results and analysis. It accurately predicts scores, and personalized remedial assignments for each student. We ensure our clients improve their knowledge gaps and meet their learning objectives.

Instant AI Scoring and Analysis:

Real-time AI evaluation and scoring with comprehensive analytics for all assessments, delivering immediate performance feedback.


Get 10 Mock test.


Ai Assisted voice test. (no need of evaluator)


2800+ Ai Evaluated predictive Practice Questions.


Study Planner for time management and improvement.


Create your own test. (practise on topics you are week)


Watch strategy Videos.


7. Get E-books for self-paced learning.