Q.3 What are the steps involved in the process AND Point test in both the countries?

As a Registered Migration Consultant, I am registered with both the Migration Agent Registration Authority (MARA) and RCIC CANADA. Additionally, I am a member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) and a certified Qualified Education Agent Counsellor (QEAC) by PIER Australia. My qualifications and experience make me the ideal person to guide you through the migration process for Australia and Canada.

Pathways to Migrate

There are multiple ways to migrate to Australia and Canada, including:

  • Skilled Migration
  • Business Visas
  • Student Visas

However, the most straightforward and popular option is the Skilled Migration Visa.

Skilled Migration Visa (Points-Tested Visa)

The Skilled Migration Visa is a common pathway for countries like Australia, Canada, and others to address their skills shortage. Here’s what it entails:

Why Skilled Migration?

Countries like Australia and Canada have an aging population and a shortage of young professionals. To fill this gap, they invite skilled workers from countries such as India, the Philippines, Thailand, Bangladesh, China, the Middle East, and Africa.

These countries use a points-based system to select the most suitable candidates to live and work there, offering them a better quality of life.

Points Requirement

To qualify for a Skilled Migration Visa, you need to achieve a certain number of points:

  • Australia: 65 points
  • Canada: 67 points

These points are calculated based on:

  • Age
  • English Proficiency
  • Work Experience
  • Education
  • Other Factors (e.g., adaptability)

Supply and Demand

The Skilled Migration Visa operates on a supply and demand basis. This means that if your profession is in demand or there’s a skills shortage in that area, you may be eligible to migrate. If your profession is on Australia’s Demand List, for example, you can migrate permanently with your family.

The 3-Step Process

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  1. Skill Assessment: Verify that your qualifications and experience meet the standards required by the country.
  2. State Nomination: Certain states or provinces may nominate you based on their specific needs.
  3. Visa Application: Submit your application once you’ve completed the above steps.

Timeframe: The entire process typically takes about 9 to 12 months, with each step taking approximately 3 to 4 months.


To be eligible, your profession must be in demand, meaning there’s a shortage of manpower in your field in the respective country. You must then qualify through a points test based on Age, English proficiency, Education, Experience, and other factors like work or study in these countries.

Check Your Eligibility

You can use our tool to see if you qualify for these visas. Keep in mind that these points are just the minimum to enter the pool of applicants. To secure the visa, you need to be invited by the government, which can happen through various methods like state or PNP nomination, job offers, and more.

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